
This document will provide a detailed guide on how to use the "Risk Dice Roller + Probability" app. There are seven sections of the app landing page that you can interact, each marked with a different colored rectangles in the figure below.

Premium ($)

Clicking this bar item button will bring you to the 💰 Premium ($) page. These are all paid features that can be unlocked with the in-app purchase. Thank you for any of you who have decided to make the purchase, it really means a lot to me!

🌐 Language

Clicking this bar item buttom will bring you to the 🌐 Language page. This app currently supports English, Spanish, Chinese (Traditional), and Chinese (Simplified).

Number of Dice

Clicking any of the five dice will activate or deactive dice used in a battle. This allows the attacker and the defender to decide the number of dice to use in a battle. Refer to the 🎲 Dice Setting page for more information.

Number of Troops

Clicking any of the two boxes will bring you to the 💂 Troops Setting page. This allows the user to change the number of troops of the attacker and that of the defender.

Winning Probability

Clicking this button will bring you to the 🔢 Winning Probability page. The probability calculator will use the number of attacker's troops, the number of defender's troops, and the dice modification setting (Premium ($)) to determine the exact probability.

New Battle (Double Tap)

Double tapping this button will reset the battle. It will clear the battle log and reset the attacker's and defender's troops to 10. Refer to the 🆕 New Battle page for more information.


Finally, clicking the roll button will make the app roll the attacker's and defender's dice, compare the results, and adjust the troops number. Refer to the ⚔️ROLL page for more information.

Last updated